Dec 18, 2018
We are happy to inform you that the Autumn/Winter 2018 issue of newsletter has just been published. Do enjoy the Holiday season! You can read the news from parliamentary history research here:
Oct 15, 2018
Workshop: Parliamentarianism and Representative Democracy in Crisis of War, Revolution, and Collapse of Empires, 2 October 2018, St. Petersburg In April 2017 welcomed the Center for Historical Research at the National Research University Higher School of...
Sep 13, 2018
On 5-7 September, London’s University of Westminster and the History of Parliament hosted the “Century of Women MPs” conference. What seemed to be an event commemorating the extension of electoral rights of 1918 in the UK, turned out be a fascinating...
Sep 11, 2018
La Chaire de recherche en études parlementaires de l’Université du Luxembourg recrute Un(e) doctorant(e) bénéficiant d’une bourse en études parlementaires, spécialité science politique et/ou droit public Fonctions : Réaliser un doctorat en études parlementaires,...
Aug 19, 2018
Please note a H-Soz-Kult review of Parlamentarismuskritik und Antiparlamentarismus, a publication that came out of a event!
Jul 10, 2018
The Centre for Historical Research at the National Research University Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg as a member of EuParl.Net is organizing a two-days workshop on “Parliamentarianism and Representative Democracy in Crises of War, Revolution, and...