The current participants of are:
Research Group History of the Habsburg Monarchy
The Research Group History of the Habsburg Monarchy is part of the Institute for Modern and Contemporary Historical Research. The Research Group is the leading Austrian research institution for the history of the Austrian and Austro-Hungarian empire in the 19th and early 20th century.
Institute for Parliamentarism and Democracy Questions
The aim of the Institute for Parliamentarism and Democracy Questions is to combine academic work with practical knowledge gained through years of experience in the Austrian parliament.
Center for Political History (University of Antwerp)
Power in History – Center for Political History (University of Antwerp) pays attention to the different levels and appearances of politics, but focuses primarily on the multifaceted (real and/or imagined) interaction between ‚formal‘ and ‚informal‘ politics. Central to this approach are political institutions, which in recent political history have often been neglected.
Working Group on Parliaments in Transition, Institute of Contemporary History
The Institute of Contemporary History was founded in 1990 to establish an institution within the Czech Academy of Sciences for independent research into post-1938 Czech and Czechoslovak history. Currently, it is a leading coordinator of research and publication in the field of political as well as social and economic history of the periods of Nazi occupation, the communist dominance and the democratic transformation. Its central projects include the Oral History Centre, the Prague Spring 1968, the History of Sciences research, 1989 Democratic Revolution or the Post-Communist Transformation. Since 1993 the Institute has published the field academic journal Soudobé dějiny (Contemporary History).
Studies in Parliamentary History at the University of Jyväskylä
The comparative study of the history of political thought, discourse and cultures combines a variety methodological approaches inspired by the linguistic (discursive, spatial and movement) and cultural turns in the study of ‘new’ political history, paying attention to the influence of political and social structures as well. By ‘political culture’ the research group refers to the norms, values, discourses, concepts and practices that have surrounded and structured political thought and action in the past.
Comité d‘Histoire Parlementaire et Politique
The Committee of Parliamentary and Political History (Comité d‘histoire parlementaire et politique – CHPP) was founded in 2003 by French historians. It is an association opened to teachers, researchers, students, parliamentarians, local representatives, and all people interested in political history and parliamentary studies. The CHPP organizes colloquiums and helps to publish original researches – collected essays and conference proceedings – about political history and parliamentary studies, mainly about France and Europe. In 2010, it created the “Cliopolis” series at Pepper/L’Harmattan.
Kommission für Geschichte des Parlamentarismus und der politischen Parteien
The Commission for the History of Parliamentarianism and Political Parties (KGParl) was founded in Bonn in 1951 by a group of renowned historians, jurists and political scientists. Since then its main objective has been basic research in the historical development of parliamentarianism and political parties. Recently the Commission has put a new focus on comparative research in the development of European parliamentarianism and the relationship between parliament, media and the public sphere. With more than 250 publications since 1952 it has made fundamental contributions to the knowledge and understanding of political and parliamentary development during the nineteenth and twentieth century especially in Germany.
Hellenic Parliament Foundation for Parliamentarism and Democracy
Institute of Political History
The Institute of Political History is a private research place in Hungary. Besides the historical and societal research works, and the archives and the library, it hosts scientific and cultural events as well. This is an intellectual center that is concentrating first of all on renewing and popularizing the social criticism thinking and the sociological work in the widest range.
Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche – Sapienza Università di Roma
The Foundation was brought into being to conduct research into and promote parliamentary institutions and democracy, to support efforts to improve Greece’s standing internationally, to promote the interests of Greeks worldwide, to help cultivate the historical memory of the Greek people in general and younger generations in particular, and to foster cooperation between the nations of the world. With these aims in mind, the Foundation:
Research Programme on European Governance, Walferdange
The Research Programme on European Governance was founded in 2004 and it is principally composed of political scientists, historians, and philosophers.

Faculty of Political Science – University of Bucharest
With its 140 years of prestigious tradition, University of Bucharest (UB) is an important research institution benefiting from a high recognition at an international level. Within the UB, the Faculty of Political Science, and its’ affiliated Institute of Political Research are a pole of excellence in the study of the political parties and elites in the region.
Faculty of Social and Human Sciences (“Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu)
“Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu is a higher education institution with an old tradition in Romania. At present, ULBS has 9 faculties, including the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, structured in four departments: Department of Journalism, Public Relations, Sociology and Psychology, Department of International Relations, Political Science and Security Studies, Department of History and Heritage, Department for Teaching Staff Training. The faculty organizes undergraduate and masters programs, as well as a doctoral school.



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